What are Native Ads?

Traditional Advertising has evolved over time. Media planners and brands are more discerning today in a world where engagement with users is a critical selling point.

Data is the new oil where singularity, speed and measurability are now core matrixes for both users and advertisers.

Research indicates that an average user unlocks their phone 100 to 200 times a day.

Our First In Last Out Lockscreen All-In-One App provides brands with optimal visibility throughout the day. Teleeza's Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning provides programmatic advertising reducing waste, and offering ROAS to our advertisers.


Why Native Ads

Data is the new oil

The advent of digital has brought new challenges in the field of advertising among which has been borderlessness, pricing and choice. Brand experts are continuously searching for visibility in a crowded market-place where speed, clarity and measurability are now the new norm.

Teleeza All-In-One App has developed a Native Advertising real estate that provides for multiple levels of communication allowing brands to go way beyond traditional advertising.

Our multiple level advertising products have allows for Singularity with users therefore maximizing on ROAS.

Teleeza All-In-One App offers 5 key native advertising properties namely: Headmast, Content Screen, Listings, Banner, Mini-site, Teleeza World

Teleeza All-In-One App provides media convergency with electronic media, newspapers and publications, outdoor media and on-ground media as a service.

What's in it for me?


  • Brand Engagement
  • ROAS
  • Geo & Demo targeting
  • Mini-site
  • Real-time Data
  • Real-time Analytics


  • Brand Engagement
  • Lockscreen Visibility
  • Multi-Layered
  • Choice
  • Singularity
  • Seamless Advertising

Native Adverts Types on Teleeza
  • Headmast – On the Lockscreen
  • Content Screen – On the Lockscreen
  • Listing – on More News Home Page
  • Banner – on More News Home Page
  • Mini-Sites – Second level engagement for headmast, content screen, listing and banner Ads
  • Products & Attributes - Third level engagement for headmast, content screen, listing and banner Ads
  • Shopping & Deals – on Teleeza World Home Page
  • Betting & Gaming – On Teleeza World, Betting & Gaming Pages
  • Teleeza Maisha – On Teleeza World, Teleeza Maisha pages
  • Blogs & Podcasts – On Teleeza World, Blogs & Podcasts Pages

Native Ads Size(s) Requirement

Advert Content Dimension (L x W) Aspect Ratio Max Size Title Description Call to Action Comment
Headmast 500px by 500px Max 200Kb 250 characters 600 characters e.g Call Now, LEARN MORE
Content Screen 1080px by 1080px Max 200Kb 250 characters 600 characters e.g Call Now, LEARN MORE Centre message and allow for bleed area on all 4 margins
Listing No height or width restrictions 200Kb 250 characters 600 characters e.g Call Now, LEARN MORE No height or width restrictions
Banner 1200px by 150px Max 200Kb 250 characters 600 characters e.g Call Now, LEARN MORE
Mini-Site 500px by 600px 200Kb per image
  • Max. 250 characters description and Max. 600 characters descrption
  • Call to Action
  • Ad campaign URL, could be to a website or social media site
  • Call to Action background and text colour
  • Multiple images allowed, 500px by 600px

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