Teleeza delivers the latest and the most engaging content

Simplicity: The Teleeza All-In-One Lockscreen App is simple to download.

The only requirement is to key in your personal details as and when you need to customize your news feed.

Even if you do not key in your personal details, teleeza will still allow you to consume content with relative ease. Our intuitively designed first screen is easy to navigate and use.

You can share, bookmark and report content with relative ease as well.

News List

Teleeza is an aggregation platform that democratizes access to news, information and entertainment by syndicating various digital publishers, making it convenient for users to enjoy stories from 70+ trusted publishers.

Teleeza World, deliveres a strong e-commerce proposition consisting of but not limited to an affordable Freeemium Package, Refer & Earn Real Cash, Teleeza Maisha, Keja Shuleni, Governement Services and much more.

Customers Are At The Focal Point Of Everything We Do