Our Story

The advent of the digital migration in Africa particularly Kenya, disrupted the media landscape sending shockwaves to the immediate ecosystem. The digital migration ushered a period of great change in the way we consume media. This shift permanently altered the media perspective for consumers, content providers, partners and advertisers. This ongoing systemic fragmention of media has been catalysed by the rapid and consistent entry of new players resulting into a crowded marketplace for content producers.

With over 700 media players across Television, Radio & Publications in Kenya, content connection with consumers has now been elevated to priority one. In today's digital world, organizations have moved away from basic competition into a new era of Partnerships and Creativity with Fintechs, Agritechs, Healthtechs and Edutechs. Our Teleeza World is steadily driving partnerships into a whole new dimension.

Our Vision

To be the FIRST All-In-One Lockscreen App, for ALL Africans, that Democratises access to content, information, financial, health, education, agriculture and commerce among many other services and has meaningful social and business impact, on a SINGLE Lockscreen based platform.

Our Mission

To utilise the most modern and cutting edge technology tools, including but not limited to AI, ML, Web 3.0, to democratise access, for previously underserved populations in Africa, to services in content, advertising, financial, education, healthcare, micro-insurance, agriculture and commerce while utilising the power of the smartphone’s first screen, the Lockscreen, on a SINGLE Simple, Innovative and Convenient platform.

Core Values

Open borders

Regardless of your location, Teleeza unites us all under one common platform.

One family

Teleeza is truly committed to building a singular united world.


Teleeza advocates for growth with our users, content providers, partners and advertisers.


Teleeza strives to consistently deliver on its promise.


Unlocking your innate potential as a User, Content Provider, Partner or Advertiser.

Customers Are At The Focal Point Of Everything We Do